Dr. Liza Karamardian brings over 15 years of experience in the dental field to the San Jose and Los Gatos dental office, starting late October, 2008. An addition to the team that San Jose residents can trust will provide the dedication that they deserve where the focus is on both the health and beauty of their teeth.
Dr. Liza Karamardian has been practicing dentistry for over 15 years in the Bay Area. She graduated from UC Irvine with a BS in Biology in 1988. She then attended the UCLA School of dentistry, graduating in 1993. Dr. Karamardian practiced in the city of San Francisco for 12 years before moving to the South Bay.
In San Jose she enjoys all aspects of general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry and strongly believes in treating the “whole patient” with a strong emphasis on the relationship between oral health and complete health. Dr. Karamardian is dynamically involved in her profession and but still continues to further her dental skills by attending many continuing education classes throughout the year.
For complete article click here:San Jose Cosmetic Dentistry
Kā izkļūt no ātro kredītu jūga?
*Iestājoties ekonomiskajai krīzei 2008. gadā, daudzi Latvijas iedzīvotāji
zaudēja gan darbu, gan nespēja segt savas ikmēneša saistības un maksājumus.
8 years ago
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